Tự Do Bay Lượn – Free to Soar

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.” Isaiah 40:31 “Nhưng những người cậy trông Ðức...

Bắt mạch – Taking the Pulse

“It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be all right.” “Tất cả rồi sẽ tốt đẹp. Bạn cũng sẽ ổn thôi.” Through the slits in...

Nếu Mô-sê và Aaron có thể hoạt động như một đội, mọi người đều...

When Moses and his older brother Aaron were both in their eighties, God assigned them to a team with a very demanding, long-lasting, almost...

Trong tầm ảnh hưởng – Under the Influence

Have you ever been frustrated by other drivers on the road? What a question! Who hasn’t been frustrated by other drivers? God recently convicted...

Mỗi công ty đều cần một Ana! – Every Company Needs an Ana!

   “Oh shoot! No WiFi in this area either!” I had signed in to the free Internet at the Los Angeles airport. However, the signal...

Con tim của bạn như thế nào? – How’s Your Heart?

During this past holiday season, I learned of a gentleman known as “Secret Santa.”  He is a businessman who travels to different parts of...

Lãnh đạo là sự xác tín, không phải sự thuận tiện –...

  We are blessed to live in a time that offers so many conveniences. We get news and weather by turning on the...

Công thức vượt qua thảm hoạ khi bạn phạm phải sai lầm – When...

  It is not that I have already taken hold of it or have already attained perfect maturity, but I continue my...

5 Ways to Respond When Life Throws You a Curveball – ...

Curveballs in life are inevitable. Unexpected surprises can level us or become opportunities to learn. The curveball...

The Lent Buzz – Tâm Tình Mùa Chay

Okay folks, it’s Lent, not lint. Most of us have noticed the ‘Lent buzz’ has begun. And...
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Moving School 2022

Thư Mời Các bạn trẻ thân mến, Trong ý hướng không ngừng học hỏi và tự đào tạo để trở nên những Kitô hữu dấn thân...

Be a Teacher, not an “Oracle” – Hãy trở thành một người dẫn dắt,...

If you remember the movie, “The Matrix” (1999) you’ll likely remember the “Oracle.”  A character able to see into the future, a power used...

Sự Chính Trực Và Lãnh Đạo – Integrity and Leadership

The Bible reminds us in Proverbs 28:6, “Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked...